Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens in a Democracy
- Student Rights – First Amendment, Lesson: How are your First Amendment rights as a student in a public school limited by school officials?
- Student Rights – Fourth and Fifth Amendment, Lesson: What protections do students have from searches and questioning by public school officials?
The Three Branches of Government as Established by the U.S. Constitution
- Executive Branch, Lesson: “What are Executive Orders? How do they differ from laws passed by Congress?”
- Judicial Branch, Lesson: How does the overturning of a Supreme Court decision reshape society?
- Judicial Branch (California), Source Set: “What kind of courts do we have in California?”
The Fourth Estate: The Role of the Media on American Public Life
- Role of Media, Lesson, “What are the roles and responsibilities of the media in relation to American government?”
Fundamental Economic Concepts and Reasoning
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Attending Prom, Lesson: Is it worth it to go to prom?
- Resource Allocation – California Water Use, Lesson: “Should California’s agricultural interests have priority over California’s limited water supply?”
- Agricultural Labor Market, Lesson: “Why is the agricultural labor market in the United States dependent on immigrant workers?”
Government Influence upon the American Economy
- Taxation, Lesson: “How effective are sin taxes at changing consumer behavior?”
- Federal Reserve, Lesson: “Why is there a Federal Reserve bank? Do most Americans know what the Fed is and what it does?”
- Social Inequality & Gentrification (Santa Ana, CA), Lesson: “What are the consequences of gentrification?”
Aggregate Economic Behavior
- GDP, Lesson: “How useful is the GDP as an economic measurement?”